Is the Ender's Game Move Dead?
I keep getting asked this question, so I figured I should put up a post about it.
Is the Ender's Game Movie dead? Well, not completely. It currently is not in pre-production at any studio. There isn't a director attached. So, don't go lining up for tickets any time soon. It's going to be years before its in theaters.
However, Orson Scott Card is still working on the script and hasn't given up wanting Ender on the big screen.
On his blog at Hatrack, OSC said in February of 2009:
I'm finishing up the screenplay for the Ender's Game movie.
The Ender's Game comics continue to be published by Marvel, and the success of these could be key to the movie eventually being made. The problem is that a movie with the number of special effects that Ender's Game would need would make it expensive. And movie studios won't give out that amount of money without knowing that the finished product is going to be profitable. Seeing the movie visually is important, especially since so much of the book is dependent on what Ender is thinking and feeling.
In 2008, OSC said in an interview to, "I'm hoping Marvel will show [Hollywood] how it's done, because you guys know how to put the story down in a visual way so that it comes to life."
The Ender's Game comic is being written by Marvel Animation producer & writer Christopher Yost.
Many fans have been wanting an animated Ender's Game film, rather than live action. Perhaps this be something Marvel Animation might be interested in?
As a sidenote, Disney acquired Marvel last year, but no word yet on how this could impact Ender's Game. OSC has been closely associated with Marvel Comics, and other than the Ender's Game and Alvin Makercomics, he has written Ultimate Iron Man.
So, in short, the movie isn't quite dead. It's just a matter of getting a studio interested in making it again. The comics will wrap up this spring, and hopefully that will attract some interest.
I relly really Liek it
Seems like it might do better as a 4- or 6-hour miniseries than a 2-hour movie. What does anyone else think?
I worry that the movie creators may try to short-cut the real story telling and just try to make an action movie for kids. Children can handle a bigger and much more nuanced and interesting movie experience. If the "Harry Potter" book and movie experience has taught us anything, it is that you can go on, and on, and on, with even a semi-good story... and Ender's Game is not just semi-good, it is not even just good, it is GREAT... and deserves to be an EPIC movie. Anything less than a very good director, a top notch CGI company, and two or more hours, you will potentially have the makings of a real disappointment.
Hi agree with that
I agree! I really think that Ender's Game should be made as real and raw as the book with all the societal commentary. From what I've heard in the industry, people are a bit uncomfortable with the "children as warriors" kind of thing and how this gets too scary for kids and limits audiences---blah blah blah---industry crap. I think if we can watch a movie version of Lord of the Flies, we should be able to watch this.
I agree! I really think that Ender's Game should be made as real and raw as the book with all the societal commentary. From what I've heard in the industry, people are a bit uncomfortable with the "children as warriors" kind of thing and how this gets too scary for kids and limits audiences---blah blah blah---industry crap. I think if we can watch a movie version of Lord of the Flies, we should be able to watch this.
I agree when will Enders game come to theather
I agree... However... I can direct it... I wish there were a way to put the pictures in my head into a movie... It might be an awesome movie... Lol...
I agree with that but I wonder why it wold takre so long to make
Should there be any love sceans in this film or not
Love scenes? No, please, no romantic love scenes! OSC was absolutely correct to point out that award winning movies like E.T. have been about children without romantic love interests or containing any kind of romantic love scenes. Yes, E.T. was endearing and lovable, but that is not the same thing. The motivations in Ender's Game are not about "love interests," but about survival, familial ties, and friendship. If the studio tries to slip in tensions like Petra looking longingly at Ender (I am making this up, btw) or suggest Ender is somehow wanted by 9 out 10 girls at the Battle School, it will only detract from the movie. Show Ender struggling to get balance, peace, to just keep his head above water as he also just does what he does best, WIN (beat the game)... and you will capture almost all the motivation you need to make this work!! This is what I want to see even as I am struggling as a middle-aged adult trying to graduate from grad school while raising a family... I want to see Ender struggle, and I want to see him persevere, to beat the game and WIN!!! Ender's Game is our game. This is why Americans love movies with "happy" endings.
I'm in current production of a Video book demo for Enders Shadow. I plan to put up the first clip on you Tube soon. I would love to hear from any one interest in the project.
can you put in a life or death scean and a person giving someone cpr in the fiml
Hi I was just wondering weather we could put in some CPR in the film is that possible and send me some pictures of what the charters should look like
Im really excited to see how this movie turns out (if it turns out). Ive read through other's comments here and I agree that there should definately NOT be any love scenes or love interests, as OSC has said in his commentary at the end of the audio book for, I believe, Ender's Shadow. That would send the story in a completely different direction than the book had gone. Someone was wondering if there could be a scene where someone gives CPR? Why would anyone need CPR in the middle of outer space? And how would that fit into ANY of the events that took place in the book?
Also, everyone seems to be concentrating on only the Battle School part of Ender's Game. We also have to remember to add in Peter and Valentine with just the right amount of emotion. If there are any follow-up movies (Ender in Exile, Speaker, Xenocide, etc.) than Val will be a very big part and we would regret not having her in the first movie. Peter would also be a huge part in the shadow half of the series, and besides that he had a huge impact on Ender's life, Battle School and afterward.
Alright, im starting to think too far ahead now. But Id really love to see my favorite book be turned into a truely epic movie. Good luck to OSC and anyone else working on it right now!
I dis agree about the fact that there should be a cpr scene in the film because what if someone needed air how will they be able to live again so Yes there should be a Cpr scene in the film
My name is Alexander Campurciani
But how would CPR fit into any of the events that took place in Ender's Game? I think a CPR scene would only take time away from important events that actually DID happen in the book. It would be completely pointless to add it in.
Please ignore the posts which clearly have nothing to do with the Ender's Game.
I dont think that it would be point less I think that its a good Idea to put it in
Just as a side note, I think it should definitely NOT be animated. And Ender's Game is so great a book, it deserves only the best of everything! And everyone with the whole CPR thing cracked me all are crazy!
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I mean when they make a film they should add a CPR content in there and there should be some romance to this film And i''l explain it all later
I highly recommend you read McKee's book "Story," Mamet's "On Directing Film," and/or Syd Field's "Screenplay," if you have not yet, and then, if you still seem to think a CPR or Romance scene are needed... let us know WHY, but you had better have an OUTSTANDING reason for it! Otherwise, your wanting a Romance or a CPR scene in Ender's Game is a bit like wanting to add a skydiving or a boxing scene to Citizen Kane. Why would you do something like that?!
I agree with REN. A CPR scene is completely unneeded and should not be added into the movie. If they completely ruin Ender's Game with romances, adding more girls into Battle School, or a ton of drama, I wont even bother to go see it.
I don't know why you guys wont except this as a good opportunity please except it please jut for once add the CPR and a little romance I mean people might actually like it they might not who knows.
I understand that some poeple might enjoy a little romance in this movie, but this was not a "romantic" book. If they want to see a romantic movie they should go see Twilight. I dont want Ender's Game to become some weird remake of a Twilight movie.
A commenter over on remarked that after seeing Avatar 3D, that technology has finally caught up: the Battleschool battle scenes could really be wonderful in 3D. I couldn't agree more!
Also, Ender's story is an adult one. Please no cuteness. THat would be the problem with animation I think - it's got cute in its DNA.
Trust me it wont be I know that for a fact
Seven posts and not a single good explanation! Please, stop repeating these CPR and romance scene comments without giving any good reasons why (in terms of good story telling).
I will talk about the romance in the fil but not the CPR is this o.k with you if not let me know
Alexander C
Okay with us? You have posted more than anybody on this thread. I wasn't counting the "alex" posts, only the "acampurciani" posts, when I counted to eight (the actual count is 12 posts now). Who am I to tell you what you can and cannot say? You can talk about romance, or CPR, if you want. This is not my thread and I cannot stop you, but if you want to be taken seriously (at least by me), on either point, you need to explain yourself and defend your positions.
Tell me how would I be able to do that please I need to know otherwise I'll be talking about it for a long time.
Can I have you number please
E-mail me
You didn't even try. Read the books I mentioned. I am finished with this conversation.
Why book would you like me to read please tell me I need to know
I love this book, and read it multiple times. However, I'm not really looking forward to the movie. Don't forget that these kids are not even teenagers yet. To have a movie carried by such young kids having to act all mature and intelligent is just a failure waiting to happen. Child nudity, guess they can't do that either. And if it's a kids movie, forget about the violence too. What is left? Nothing to get excited about, just read the book. Some books just really don't need a movie or a broadway musical.
gree some book are based on plays like cats for instance but I cant see them make a musical of Enders game nope but if they did great
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skip real life action film. It should definitely be an Anime! It's the only way to include all the socio-political and battle school scenes to their full potential.
You can do both an Anime and a Live-action. Start with the Anime, work out the tricky stuff in the story writing with a more open platform, then try the Live-action later, if it still seems doable.
What do u mean by this
do you mean rotoscoping?
Yes what do u mean by rotscoping ?
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I agree that this is not a kids movie. Which does make it hard when making a live action movie. That is why anime is the only way to go. Child nudity (with no frontal animation) could work. Neon Genesis Evangelion, Akira, and Full Metal Panic are good examples to follow when making an Ender's Game anime.
I agree too that Avatar does demonstrate the needed technology if live action is chosen.
There's a lot of great ideas and criticism's on this discussion board. I hope someone important is reading.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Anime, I think they are well worth considering. I am not really a fan of rotoscoping and have disliked the movies made with it so far; not even the old "Fire and Ice," by Frazetta and Bakshi, even though I still love looking at it from time to time for the art of it.
Anime is fine, as you suggested, in the spirit of Ghost in the Shell, Akira, or anything by Studio Ghibli/Miyazaki. I agree with you on the Anime but one type of movie does not preclude the other and I think an Anime can stand on its own... AND could lead to a better live action (not in place or instead of it).
About somebody reading this, I believe Orson Scott Card is aware of most of this already. I am, however, likely to attend a writing workshop by him in the next year or two (with a story of my own, completely unrelated to all of this) and I will surely ask him about the progress of Ender's Game. If I can, and it makes sense to, I will relate some of these ideas.
As a side note, just this last year I did an analysis of OSC's Ultimate Iron Man comic book series and have discussed the Ender's Game/Ender's Shadow comic book adaptations with my classmates. Like you and many in this discussion, I am hoping for the best possible adaptation of Ender's Game ~ I have loved this book (and its immediate sequel) for nearly 20 years now!
"Child nudity (with no frontal animation) could work."
Why would you need ANY nudity at all? My only guess would be because of the bathroom fight scene at the Battle School.
The Petra "skin" scene can be dropped all together, with her shown to be an exception to the rules made another way. The Dragon Army running to the battle room scene can be in undergarments... and, is there another?
Oh yeah, floating free in the battle room/practice room. Again, in undergarments.
Anyway, the important scene is the fight w/ Bonzo...
The non-nudity fight fix is simple, skip the soap-slippery point and just focus on being hard to grab when wet... as we know Ender isn't going to try to physically dominate Bonzo, it isn't an issue whether or not he is slippery as well.
Therefor, you have Ender in a pair of futuristic, spandex boxer-brief type underwear post shower... and he steps back into the showers, turns on the hot water and sweats... walla! Slippery Ender, no nudity.
Anime or no anime, holding to a text literally can be a hindrance without reward. In a book, it doesn't really matter because it isn't automatically, visually erotic or problematic, but it will be in a visual format. What is important are the main themes and principles set out by the original story.
Just my thoughts,
I agree 100% wit hthat but I wonder if there could be a little romance in this film what do u think
Ren--great point on the nudity. thank you.
I agree put not too much
Be very careful uncle Orson.
Read the Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams and then watch the movie.
Ren - totally agree re the lack of necessity for actual nudity scenes.
Also, Studio Ghibli or Miyazaki or w/e could work, but I really don't think anime would be the best way to go for this film. Dunno, but I would be leaning towards live action, although I do appreciate the problem of child actors =/ But yeah I guess both could be feasible.
Anyway, Ender's Game is AWESOME and I really hope a film is made of it, I absolutely love the series and for a film to be made would be brilliant.
Well to be honest I'm not much of a book person but before leavin to the military I got bored a lot so my best friend turned me on to enders game and I hate books I dnt like reading but I started and at first it was ok but then the pics started actually jumping into my head and I loved the book which is why I say start of with some mini series so there is no real commitment to certain producers and so it doesn't get destroyed right from the get go then start talkin bout a good movie
Marvel Comics has already done a run of Ender's Game (w/ Ender's Shadow worked into the mix) and I suspect Ender's Game *will* be made as a movie before any mini series or TV shows are attempted. We had an exchange earlier about the possibility of having an Ender's Game anime, and I do not think that would hurt the live-action movie chances, but again I suspect it won't happen.
There are ways around showing nudity. Many movies contain implied nudity. You don't have to see someone's junk to know they are naked. I do feel that it is important to understand how Petra is different in that given scene. OSC is very meticulous in why he puts certain things in his books. If it could have been done a different way and still have the same, or better, effect he would have done it a different way.
Gavin Hood (X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE) is back at the helm Odd Lot Ent.'s
adaptation of Orson Scott Card's award-winning novel ENDER'S GAME,
reports the Los Angeles Times. Hood recently completed a revamp of the
script. The story follows the adventures of Andrew Wiggin, a gifted
child soldier in a human army fighting the attacking aliens known as the
Formics. Wolfgang Petersen had previously been circling the project.
Whoa cool!! I didn't know that Enders Game was being made into a movie! Ooh I'm excited now, i love that book! We have to make a dvd cover for it in English but it's quite hard cause it's so futuristic!
Rosemary Mulve should play Petra
BTW thats not me so don't say that it is.
Im in. I would like to audition for the role of hyram graff or mazer rackham.
My son is about the right age to play ender and has the capacity to do so as well.
If this becomes a possibility or there are any calls please contact me via email at
Ender's Game should be animated to bring all of it to life and avoid any cheesiness. Pixar should nut-up and do it right, make it at least PG-13. This will never happen, but would be cool as hell.
I agree but it would be better in 3-D What do you thing along with special effects
Ugh! Please. No 3-D and no Computer Animated version. Just do the dang thing in live action and do it well. Yes, an animation could be done and still leave room for the live action remake later... but why, if you have the interest and resources to do it in live action now? If they can get a comic book movie like Batman right (as Christopher Nolan has, IMHO), then they can do Ender's Game.
ok but I still think that they should do it both ways in 3D and in 2 D
What do you think
If Pixar did it, I would be absolutely fine with that! It's not likely to be even a remote possiblity though. And, if they made the 3D with a 2D version in mind, it would probably turn out better anyway. Good points.
thanks for hering my idea if someone wants to give me some more ideas on enders game that would be great
The book was horrible and absurd. I hope they don't make it into a move. Would be a give waste of money.
Well this is good new for all u Enders Game fans it turns out Roberto Orci and his pal Alex Kurtzman are now involved, as Producers, in the movie adaptation of Ender’s Game, the cult science-fiction novel by Orson Scott Card...Warner Bros has picked up the project and filming will start in late January 2012
I think that OSC should just step out of the way and let someone make a movie out of his brilliant novel. Maybe they won't get it exactly right but I would rather a movie got made before we all die of old age waiting for the perfect opportunity. Does the perfect opportunity ever come by?
OSC! If you can't get the movie made in ten years of trying let someone else have a shot at it. Once everyone loves the crappy version then it will be remade blockbuster style!
"Maybe they won't get it exactly right but I would rather a movie got made..."
I could hardly disagree more. From memory, as I don't have the time to look it up, from the purchase of movie rights to the screen it took the Princess Bride over 10 years to get made. Looking back, would you have sacrificed anything about that movie just so it would have gotten made? I wouldn't. The author of the original novel was also the screenplay writer. Think about it. Some things are worth it. And more, about this idea that they will just remake the crappy version... I am not counting on Hollywood to correct the mistake they made with Heinlein's Starship Troopers and, in fact, they doubled down and made a really bad sequel. Do you really think Hollywood will revisit that story any time soon? Why would I want to wait, um, 20 or more years from the original story rights purchase for an accurate "remake" of the original Starship Troopers when just a few more years could have made all the difference in the first place?! As they (should) say, don't count your (remake) flicks before they hatch!
New info movie may come back?
And more here:
I just discovered the Ender's Game book series (didn't even know there WERE comics till I saw this post!)and have become completely obsessed with it.
This is not a movie to be scrapped! Ender's game (and the books that follow it) are the best books I've read in a LONG time.
Give this movie the attention it deserves!
Dillon Stevens should play Ender, and David Fincher should Direct.
Dillon Stevens
David Fincher
There is an official request for this Movie to get made at
The company will help advocate on our behalf and show how much demand there is to the movie studios.
I would like to be some romance and kissing in this film
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