Friday, September 21, 2007

Petersen Still Wants to Direct Ender's Game

Despite all of the problems facing the Ender's Game movie, Wolfgang Petersen is still interesting in directing it and told IGN that he believes that the movie will be made.

Last spring, Warner Bros placed the film into turnaround, essentially giving up on the project. Orson Scott Card said that he and the producers were shopping the script to other studios and that a director could not be hired until the financing had been arranged.

But now it looks like Petersen is still involved in the project.

He told IGN that he is working on developing three films, including Ender's Game, and that he had met with Orson Scott Card recently about it. He called it "a very, very tricky adaptation and an incredibly fascinating concept" and believes that he will some day make the film.


At 11:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Finally, some updates. I don't care if it takes until I am of retirement age for this movie to be done as long as someone does it and does it right sometime before I die.

At 11:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 1:43 PM, Blogger PetraShadow said...

I AGREE WITH MICHAEL i know Ender's Game will be a REALLY good movie and it better be as good as the book >.<

At 3:05 AM, Blogger gazie said...

I am working on building an ender verse community site:

Right now its still in the final development stages...

But i need help filling it out.. particularly the movie section of the site, clearly you are a talented writer, and are interested in the movie and know alot about it.

You would have an admin/author account, able to upload story's and news yourself through a back end much like in this bblog site, you would of course be fully credited as the author of everything you wrote, and listed as a contributor.

It would be very much like you work you do here, but part of something bigger (hopefully). Feel free to check out the site and get back to me if your interested.



At 5:50 PM, Blogger Novelville said...

I've been thinking about what OSC said about the difficulty of making a movie that needs strong KIDS to play the leads. Consider this: The two kids in Heroes who play Mica and Molly Walker. Strong actors that could pull it off.

At 6:22 AM, Blogger Roberto said...

A close friend that attended a film convention with that Wolfgang Petersen mentioned to me that he (wolfgang) wanted to get Pamela Gidley to play enders mother.
I find this odd because her acting skills aren't as refined as some others in the industry. No offense to Pamela but she's almost a B list actress. Also I could find no record of the 2 of them ever working together. Anyone else here this?

At 3:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

@novelville: "Mica and Molly Walker"???

Certainly you can't be serious? Mica is quite possibly the worst actor on the show (besides his daft parents, of course). Molly is quite so horrible, but she's certainly not very good.

Mica would ruin Ender's Game. Molly wouldn't doo much damage if she stayed in a minor role.

I see kid actors all the time that would be perfect for Ender's Game, but Mica is not one of them.

Orson: Please hire me to help with the casting.

At 2:40 AM, Blogger Matt Osborne said...

Update!!! Update needed!!!

At 2:06 AM, Blogger Charles T. Dudley, Sr. said...

Anyconsideration of reaching out to other sci-fi venues or personalities to either assit in production or financing of this film - i even bet fans would contribute to some start up efforts - names that come to mind, jonathan frakes, william shatner, leonard nimoy, etc...

At 2:08 AM, Blogger Meep said...

:( I wants teh movie to come out x]

At 1:06 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

WB already has a good story, but the casting is what im most concerned about. We must have Sean Connery as Graff and some other black dude as Samuel L. Jackson! and jackson has to say motherfucker at least once in every movie he is in so i know everyone will be happy.

As for ender... im hoping someone who is actually smart enough and looks young enough for the part =[ a rare breed indeed!

At 12:23 PM, Blogger Hot soup not cold said...

A concern of mine is that the dialogue and brutallity will be toned down because story is about kids. I think that the brutallity of battle school, and the suffering ender went through were key to the story and shouldnt be editted in any way. It needs to be PG 13 at least. an "almost R" PG-13.

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You know, this film is gonna be extremelly hard to make.

Peterson is gonna have a tough time finding kids that act like adults in their acting. (Well they still sort of acted like kids in the book, considering the slang.)

Hopes this goes well, but I doubt that there is any child actor that can pull it off.

As for the rating- keep all the violence, struggles, psychological stuff, but leave out the naked parts... That'll keep it to PG13.

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Rich said...

I have been enjoying the whole "Ender" and "Shadow" series of books and have been thinking all along what great movies they would make (never as good as the books of course.) But by the look of things, the project is stalled for now. Is it money problems or talent problems?

I fully concur that actual children need to play these roles. Please don't upscale the ages to make the movies easier to make. The casting director may be the most crucial hiring decision for this movie.

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Insomniac Bill said...

i don't need a movie for this book. the book is great as is, any movie made for it will pale in comparison to the possibilities achieved through imagination.. if one was made, i probably would choose not to see it.


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