Thursday, May 11, 2006

R-Rated Ender's Game?

Is it possible that Wolfgang Petersen is planning for an r-rated Ender's Game movie? It looks that way, according to

Now that he's done treading water with "Poseidon," director Wolfgang Petersen is turning his attention to "Ender's Game," a passion project he envisions as an R-rated version of one of Hollywood's most successful franchises. "I think 'Harry Potter' was inspired by 'Ender's Game,' " Petersen insisted, citing the 1985 sci-fi novel he's adapting.

Petersen cites "Potter" and the ultraviolent Japanese cult flick "Battle Royale" to give an idea of the tone he's leaning toward. "It's one of the projects at the top of my list of what I want to do next. I've been involved with it for quite a while," Petersen said, crossing his fingers. "We're getting another script for it in a few weeks, and then we'll see what we can do with that." ...


At 11:11 PM, Blogger J2A2K (darth_ender) said...

I think there are plenty of PG-13s out there with little sanitization. Besides, a book that uses name-calling like "farteater" really doesn't need to be translated into something worse than the author intended. I personally would not like to see such a movie, and see little point in making it worse than Card wrote it.

At 5:45 AM, Blogger Norikins said...

I myself could do without the child nudity. Yes, they were naked all the time but it wouldn't be just 'R' if EVERYONE was naked, it would be on the 'X' side of things. I really love this book, and I understand that some things need to be changed to fit for time, but in all honesty somethings need to be left alone. Didn't the movie 'Troy' Bomb? But we are letting one of the BEST books ever be adapted by the writer and director of 'Troy'? ... I guess I'm just worried.

At 5:46 AM, Blogger Norikins said...

I myself could do without the child nudity. Yes, they were naked all the time but it wouldn't be just 'R' if EVERYONE was naked, it would be on the 'X' side of things. I really love this book, and I understand that some things need to be changed to fit for time, but in all honesty somethings need to be left alone. Didn't the movie 'Troy' Bomb? But we are letting one of the BEST books ever be adapted by the writer and director of 'Troy'? ... I guess I'm just worried.

At 11:02 PM, Blogger Christian said...

Folks, if you stick the nudity in the film just as it was in the books, it wouldn't be pg-13, R, or X -- it would be illegal child pornography.

At 3:28 PM, Blogger ja-kid 1337 said...

i agree with darth as well. If it were rated pg-13,it would draw in far more viewers, in turn, bringing in far more sucess and giving it far more opportunity to make a sequel or two. I think it would be wise to make sure it is rated no more than PG-13. For if it were, success would be limited and i feel that should be only as bad as the author intended it to be as does darth. The movie would draw in far more viewers and be a much better movie if they made it PG-13. I mean, do we really want to see a lot nude boys anyway? Even if they do put in all of the nude scenes, i would still go see the movie in hopes of it being as good as the book but i could do without.

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This book is not R. Maybe, just maybe you should all go back and read it again. You can get away with quite alot in PG-13 in the way of violence without really having to tamper with the book at all. And child nudity. . .what country are you guys from because Stateside its illegal. Warner bros = US. . . so no child nudity. PG-13 kthxbye ^_^

At 4:19 PM, Blogger Dhani said...

WB (warner bros) should realize that an R rating would get less buisness than a PG or PG-13

At 4:20 PM, Blogger Dhani said...

Also, Ender doesn't need to be R. I am sure it will be just as good PG-13

At 8:14 AM, Blogger Mr. Locke said...

All this controversy over the rating of the movie. I teach 7th grade Language Arts and was told to stop reading ENDER'S GAME last year because a parent complained about the word "butt." I am sure you can empathize with my outrage. Consequently I have reread ENDER'S GAME (on top of the countless times I had already read it) with a specific emphasis on whether or not it is appropriate for the average American 13-year-old. With the exception of a very few choice words, and a joke between Peter and Valentine about anal sex early in the novel, there is nothing to make me feel that ENDER'S GAME is not one of the greatest books an adolescent can ever read.

At 7:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

when i saw the possibility of an R rating i lit up and smiled, this will let them fully capture the depth and power of certain scenes within the book even though it contains young children as characters

At 8:21 PM, Blogger Darth Petra, Hegemon of Gondor said...

It cant' be rated R because I wouldn't be aloud to go see it!

At 8:07 PM, Blogger Creighton said...

They should just make the movie and not worry about the rating. They wont have to "sanitize" it or make any parts darker than they need to be. The books have a strong enough fan base that whatever rating the MPAA gives the movie will have little effect on ticket sales.

At 6:46 PM, Blogger Crazy Tom said...

I'm just happy a movie is being made at all, no matter the rating. I hope child nudity will not be a factor, but there had better be authentic fight scenes! I'm so excited!!!!!

At 12:01 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I read the book when it first came out 20 years ago, and it's one of my all time favorites. Since that first reading, I've read it a few more times, finding new things in the story each time, but it's been over 10 years since I read it last. My daughter was just assigned the book for here 8th grade English, and it brought back fond memories as I discussed it with her. My point here related to the topic in question, is that I didn't remember the nudity in the story, nor did my daughter think of mentioning it. Sure, its a plot element, but in my opinion it's tiny compared to all of the other great themes, ideas and visuals present in the story. So I'll ask the question --Would you like to see this great story made with the kids in PG rated clothes, or do you want to see it tied down in either the legal or pubic opinion court before it's made for totally needless kiddy porn. The sad thing is that while writing about nudity isn’t a big deal, showing it is. My whole point is that this isn’t what the book is about!

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This is exactly why book turned into movies suck. Everyone is worried about ratings and audience. The audience and critics are all going to be the ones who have read the book and series. It hurts ratings more to take away from the inaccuracy of the book. It needs to be "R". This book was written more for younger to middle aged teens. Sure little kids will be interested in the kids in the movie but they won't like it because they won't understand it. It's also easy to make this movie with children and not make it child pornography. It's called trick photography. They only need to show the upper half of their bodies, or they could wear body suits and making that a minor change to the script. Call them Pj's if you want to. If any of you have actually read this book or series I'm severely disappointed in you for not thinking and realizing there is always a way.

At 3:30 AM, Blogger go_to_sleep! said...

Ender's Game was written decades ago and most fans of the series are in their twenties or thirties at least. If Mr. Card is writing the screenplay then there's nothing to worry about. He wouldn't butcher one of his best and most notable works and I can wait as long as it takes for them to do it right. An "R" rating would be crutial in order to make the transition to a movie. The fight in the showers was a major part of the story and they can't cut that out. "PG-13" movies can't show children beating each other to death in shower, but don't get caught up on the issue of child nudity. You can show all of the violence without showing the entire body. I've thought about the idea of this story being adapted to the big screen for a long time and have always hoped that it would be as good as the book. Set in a very trying future, the battle school brats were more like adolesents, and though most of the characters were under 10 years old, Ender's game is not so much for children. It is for young people, for adults that remember what it was like to be a young person, and for adults that that may wish to be reminded. It is a confusing and intense time in everyone's life. I know that as innocent or as devious as my thought may have been at that time in my life, they most defintely weren't "PG-13".

At 11:51 AM, Blogger Viral Enigma said...

In a recent release by Mr. Card, it was stated that the movie would also contain Ender's Shadow in it. PG-13? Shadow? Ha! Also the "PJs" idea...doesn't workout for Bean. He uses the fact that you can walk around naked and wear a towel when going to the bathroom *cough* to sneak into the air vents and learn some valuable information. If the movie was produced by a country that wasn't so damn prudish about movies, then there could be naked kids in it and no one would think much about it. As long as its in Fleet Common :)

At 1:53 PM, Blogger Ryn Barr said...

It NEEDS to be at least PG 13 for violence. I don't get why people are uptight about naked children, nor do I see how that constitutes as "Child Pornography". Honestly, I think people are really immature about nudity and I don't see it as an issue, but most people do, so my opinion there really doesn't matter.

I wouldn't mind nudity or violence. There needs to be violence. But unless it is going to have nudity (Which is going to steam people up who claim it is "porn"...somehow), it doesn't need to be 'R'. The language is minimal enough for it to get by with a PG 13 rating. PG would blow.


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